LTG1 Counterbalance Lift Truck Trainers’ Guide USB

£110.00 (£132.00 inc. VAT)

With this handy Instructor Guide, you’ll have everything you need to run Counterbalance (Forklift) Lift Truck operator training. Your USB stick includes a Trainers Guide (Course Program), PowerPoint Presentation slides, Candidate Handouts, Test Marking Sheets, Question Papers and Mock Theory Papers.

This guide covers training for ABA codes B1, B2 and B4.

144 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: LTG1TG Category:


Our LTG1 Counterbalance Lift Truck (also referred to as Forklift and Stacker) Trainers’ Guide – supplied on a USB – has been specifically designed to allow appropriately qualified instructors to set up and conduct operator training for;

  • Rider, Electric, LPG and Diesel Counterbalance Lift Trucks up to 5,000kg (ABA category B1)
  • Rider, Electric, LPG and Diesel Counterbalance Lift Trucks over 5,000kg and up to 10,000kg (ABA category B2)
  • Stand-on, Electric Counterbalance Lift Trucks (ABA category B4)

Written in line with the HSE’s Approved Code of Practice: Rider Operated Lift Trucks, this guide is designed to provide clear guidance on all aspects of training. The USB guide will walk you through the course lesson by lesson, providing you with the information you need to deliver Novice, Existing, Conversion and Refresher training.

The Trainers’ Guide USB includes:

  • Instructor Guide PDF (including a session library and practical exercises)
  • Slide Deck (PowerPoint presentation)
  • Associated Knowledge Test (including Mock Papers)
  • Pre-Use Inspection Test Marking Sheets (Candidate and Instructor)
  • Practical Test Marking Sheet
  • Appendices
  • Supporting Documents

There is a discount available on this product for RTITB Accredited Partners, Master Driver CPC Consortium Members, and RTITB Registered Instructors.



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