Home / News / Review of NOS 6 Suites Announced for Warehousing and Logistics Sector

Review of NOS 6 Suites Announced for Warehousing and Logistics Sector

News | 14th Sep 2017
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We are pleased to inform you that a review is to be carried out of six suites of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the warehousing and logistics sector. Something that will have an impact on all of us and we have been asked to provide feedback.

The six suites being reviewed are:

  • Logistics Operations
  • Mail Services
  • Traffic Office
  • Driving Goods Vehicles
  • Warehousing and Storage
  • Supply Chain Management


The National Occupational Standards were devised by the industry in order to highlight the skills and knowledge that is required in order to complete tasks to the expected standards. NOS serves a multitude of uses, including job specifications, the identification of training needs and the development of training courses, whilst also acting as a basis for qualifications. As a result, it is vital that the NOS reflect current working practises and legislation within our industry in order to remain fit for purpose.

We are encouraging all RTITB members to aid in the review of the suites, by completing an electronic survey about the potential changes to be made to the current suite.

Complete the online survey now.

Please note the following instructions on how to complete the survey:

  • Open the survey and select the suite you are interested in (not all elements are required to be completed). Some of the suites include sub folders.
  • Click on a folder to view the NOS.
  • Click on each NOS to review and add your own comments.
  • Select ‘Write a Comment’ to insert a general comment, or select ‘Comment on Specific Areas’ to add more in-depth comments.


The surveys close on 24th September 2017.
