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Preventing serious LGV/HGV Incidents

Blogs | 23rd Nov 2023
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The saying goes that ‘prevention is better than a cure’. This is certainly true in the case of incidents involving LGVs or HGVs. Incidents can be serious, having fatal or irreversible consequences.

Many incidents involving LGVs/HGVs happen out on the road. However, others may occur within the workplace that are equally serious. Such as this recent case of a driver who was fatally crushed in a trailer incident. Though the company demonstrated that training was provided after rollaway incidents, the correct training could prevent this type of incident. Alongside many others.

There are reasons for the rules

An LGV/HGV is a large, heavy vehicle which poses inherent risk. The regulations and guidelines that exist for companies, drivers and other road users are designed to reduce this. And in turn to decrease the likelihood of an incident occurring. However, the rules can only be effective if they are followed correctly.

LGV/HGV driver training should never be a one-time thing. Many professional drivers have a strong understanding of the correct and safe way to work. However, it is dangerous for companies to assume that all drivers perfectly retain all the knowledge and best practice they had to demonstrate to acquire their license. Human error affects everyone, drivers included. The memory of what is learned in training years before fades. And it is natural for complacency to set in among even the most experienced drivers.

This is one reason why Driver CPC Periodic Training is required. These mandatory training hours across a five-year period present an ideal opportunity to top up the knowledge and skills that are needed for safe and efficient driving.

Improve safety with Driver CPC training

To help reduce the risk of incidents, it is important for companies to choose the right training topics for Driver CPC. Taking modules on tachograph use, for example, will not prove helpful if the incidents or near misses in your fleet more commonly relate to reversing incidents, or vehicle infringements, for example.

Members of the RTITB Driver CPC Consortium have access to a vast library of modules that cover off topics across four key areas: The Driver, The Vehicle, The Road, and The Rules. This approach enables Instructors to better tackle safety concerns by building courses tailored to the real needs of the drivers and the company.

Why not enquire about a free 30-day Driver CPC training demo?

Training for focused intervention

Training does not have to stop with Driver CPC. Ongoing training for commercial vehicle drivers should also be prioritised by companies. The company has a responsibility to maintain compliance with the regulations in place to support safe driving.

If drivers never receive any additional training beyond license acquisition, compliance may be hard to prove should an incident occur. This leaves companies open to fines and prosecutions. It also potentially puts drivers, road users, and others at risk. Incidents can also compromise a company’s reputation, which could lead to lost business.

Ongoing training to maintain driver compliance can help reduce the likelihood of an incident occurring. And its now simpler than ever to do with RTITB Driver Compliance eLearning. These are bitesize modules designed to help equip drivers with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the roads smoothly, minimising the risk of penalties and delays.

The Driver Compliance eLearning can be used either as part of an ongoing training programme to maintain standards. Or to provide highly focused training interventions to address specific areas for improvement. The training itself can also help identify areas with knowledge gaps that may need to be addressed further. With this approach, drivers could top up their training in less than ten minutes. But the results could save lives.

Reduce LGV/HGV incidents in your company

Talk to our team of training experts about the best fit solution for your company when it comes to reducing incidents and improving compliance. Get in touch now by sending an email to solutions@rtitb.com or by calling our friendly team on +44 (0) 1952 520200.
