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Get the most from the new Driver CPC Training Cycle

Blogs | 30th Oct 2019
Get the most from the new Driver CPC Training Cycle

For many LGV drivers, the Driver CPC Periodic Training cycle restarted on 10th September 2019. This means that lorry drivers (and their employers) now have the opportunity to take a step back to re-evaluate the usefulness of the training completed for the last cycle. It also means consideration can be given to selecting an approach to Driver CPC that will be effective in helping achieve business objectives and be engaging and interesting for drivers.

How to make the most out of the next 5 year cycle

1. Spread out Driver CPC training to gain maximum benefit

Don’t leave Driver CPC training until the last minute! Some employers may have previously dismissed the requirements due to Brexit, however Brexit won’t make Driver CPC go away. Furthermore, the government confirmed that Driver CPC will continue in its current format after Brexit.

Employers should aim to complete 7 hours of training with their drivers each year, in order to deliver training that is relevant to current issues within the business or to focus on achieving targets and objectives.

Think about if you’ve actually taken the time to look at your transport operation recently and identified the real issues. As a member of the RTITB Master Driver CPC Consortium, you can develop your own unique Driver CPC course to tackle any problems that your business may be facing.

2. Plan ahead and think about future business needs

35 hours of training can seem like a long time to be without a driver, however, Driver CPC training hours can and should be used to focus on skills and knowledge that may be relevant to the business over the next couple of years, not just now. Think ahead! For example, if the business is receiving a new vehicle type within the next 5 years, use Driver CPC training hours to prepare for this ahead of time, instead of waiting until last minute or being ill-prepared when the vehicles do arrive.

3. The choice is yours – selecting relevant topics

When it comes to choosing how Driver CPC training hours are used, some employers automatically choose the same topics and modules time and time again. Drivers will not benefit from this, and the business won’t either.

To ensure that your business can get the most from the time and money invested in Driver CPC Periodic Training, members of RTITB’s Master Driver CPC Consortium, can build their own truly personalised DCPC course, selecting modules from a library with over 100 different topics. What’s more, training can be branded to your business or tailored to take into account your company’s specific values and culture, as well as unique processes or operations.

Ready to plan Driver CPC training?

Now is the time to plan and book in your Driver CPC Periodic Training to gain the maximum benefit. At RTITB, our Master Driver CPC Consortium is the largest in the UK, so we can give you expert advice and the resources to prevent you from falling behind in the Driver CPC Periodic Training cycle.

To join the RTITB Master Driver CPC Consortium, call our friendly team on +44 (0) 1952 520207 or find out more here.
