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Easy Apping: Why Going Paperless Is The Way Forward

News | 5th Nov 2018
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Looking back over the past eight months, we have seen how many companies and training providers have benefited from the time and cost savings of the next wave of training technology.

Back in June 2018 we launched the MyRTITB TrainingFriend PRO – an Android app which makes the materials handling equipment (MHE) training administration and testing process completely paperless for the very first time.

When it comes to training, it can be tempting to follow old processes without considering the future of new ones. By failing to adopt newly available technologies, training providers and in-house training teams will miss their chance to make genuine, measurable improvements in the way they manage the training and assessment process. It’s important for logistics companies of the future to think about how times are changing and how apping will transform the future of their organisation.

The problem with paperwork

We have found that the best way to decide if it’s worth adopting a new training technology is to ask which problems it can solve. Having spoken to commercial and in-house training providers, we found that the training administration process can be extremely time intensive. Instructors have a large amount of paperwork to complete, often taking them away from what they do best – training. Some businesses also have to dedicate resource solely to managing training administration, which can add high costs.

Overcoming these challenges of time and cost could make a huge difference to many logistics organisations.

Considering a paperless app

We have found that organisations can reduce costs and save time by getting rid of one thing in their training and testing process – paper.

Taking training delivery online is one part of the paperless process, but to really transform MHE training, the administration and assessment needs to be paper-free too. Both candidates and the instructor can use the app software to communicate with one another, meaning there is no need to print test papers, records of training, registration forms or any other form of paperwork. Everything is captured via the app, reducing average administration time per training course by 5 hours.

For 120+ types of machine

The more of a complete solution an app offers, the more it can become truly integrated into a training operation. This is the reason we designed this tool – to cover training for more than 120 types of machine, including counterbalance, reach, rough terrain telescopic and pallet truck training, plus training for powered access equipment (MEWPs), lorry loaders, and cranes.

Saving you time and money

Another benefit of the MyRTITB TrainingFriend PRO is specific time-saving features. Assessment papers no longer need to be created, and during testing, the app will automatically score multiple choice questions and calculate practical test scores and results. Course documents and assessment papers already exist within the app, so there’s no need for instructors to pay or prepare them. The big bonus is that when a course changes the app will automatically update with revised assessments and materials.

Compliance and accuracy

As well as helping to meet training paperwork needs, the app also supports compliance and increases accuracy. We have ensured all required documents and information fields are completed during training and assessment, including candidate information and eligibility, course details, health declarations, GDPR compliant data consent, records of training, signatures and course feedback.  Furthermore, course evidence can be captured and saved simply via the photograph function.

Data input errors are also reduced as one click upload from the app means that users can avoid manually retyping training and assessment data into their databases. The app’s inbuilt intelligence also increases accuracy by preventing the wrong materials from ever being used, as only the relevant documents and options will be visible.

Easier audits

Organisations will find audits can be completed quicker, as all the data needed is easily accessed within the app and admin web panel. In addition, you do not need to worry about paperwork being lost, as comprehensive Training Records and End of Course reports are automatically generated by the app and sent via email.

No need to fear the future

Although new technologies can seem daunting, if the right solutions are selected, they will offer a significant return on investment. The MyRTITB TrainingFriend PRO will pay for itself in a very short time and app users will receive full support from us to help integrate the technology.

If you’d like to set up a demonstration of MyRTITB TrainingFriend PRO or find out about the best materials handling training solutions, please click here.
