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Home / Blogs / A New Era of Quality Assurance Gives Peace of Mind for RTITB Accredited Partners

A New Era of Quality Assurance Gives Peace of Mind for RTITB Accredited Partners

Blogs | 15th Aug 2023

We are dedicated to continuous improvement. So we have introduced a new automated training record review system. This exciting change brings a more streamlined and efficient approach to auditing. Providing peace of mind to Accredited Partners. From reduced business disruption, and enhanced customer management and support, to thorough verification.

What to expect from the new auditing system

  • No more random selection of training records during Audits. That means we can focus on training and testing observation and quality assurance during our time on site with our partners
  • Scheduled training record reviews. This will make it easier for Accredited Partners to allocate time and resource to the reviews instead of receiving a random request at any point through the accreditation year
  • More time spent supporting our Accredited Partners to help solve challenges during in-person visits. This provides greater value to training
  • A more cost effective and thorough verification of accredited training records. This will improve overall quality assurance and enable us to mitigate future price increases
  • For accredited partners using the TrainingFriend App, there will be no more paperwork requests. We already have access to training records
  • Partners will receive an outcome report via email at the end of the quality assurance process

Our motivation for change

We are driven by commitment to providing our members with the highest standards of training quality and support. Here’s why we are making these changes:

  • Continuous quality assurance. Our ongoing approach ensures more effective and thorough verification of accredited training. This ensures partners receive the best possible training experience.
  • Reduced disruption. Partners will experience fewer interruptions as we verify without your direct involvement.
  • Predictable reviews. With no more random checks, partners will have a clear understanding of when to expect quality assurance reviews. That will allow for better planning and preparation.
  • Dedicated support. Training record reviews have been removed from the annual audit. This gives our auditors more time to focus on your training/testing delivery. That valuable customer support and advice can enhance your business.

Learn more about becoming an Accredited Partner

Learn more about how to become an RTITB Accredited Partner or contact our helpful team. Call +44 (0)1952 520200 or email solutions@rtitb.com.
